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Posted by kahitanoito - - 0 comments

Wear those thinking caps now as a new initiative from Nokia is up that can let your ideas for Nokia and be patented and even earn rewards out of it. See more below to find out:
Image courtesy of Nokia Philippines
Do you have a great idea for a futuristic device, a radical new mobile feature or service that’s just waiting to happen? Here’s your chance to invent with one of the best companies in the world and make your ideas come to fruitition! Nokia, the world’s number one mobile phone brand, has launched a new program called Invent with Nokia that gives you a chance to submit your ideas, turn it into a patent and receive great rewards. Invent with Nokia is the brand’s latest initiative that encourages people with great ideas for future products and services to create with Nokia and get paid for it. This endeavor is part of Nokia’s commitment of connecting people to what matters to them, this time by combining advanced technology with personalized services. To submit your idea, register at http://inventwithnokia.nokia.com and provide your non-confidential information about your idea or invention. If your idea is accepted, a patent will be filed and you will receive great financial rewards. And when your invention is successful with the consumers, there will be further rewards awaiting you. In addition to monetary rewards, you’ll also be recognized for your invention so everybody will know who you are! While Nokia already has thousands of its own people thinking of new innovative ideas, opening this initiative up to anyone across the globe means more opportunities and new exciting concepts. “We have some very smart people inside Nokia, but we can’t do everything ourselves. We want to connect directly with smart inventors who can help us achieve our strategic objectives by adding value to our consumers – the most important people in the Nokia world,” said Benoit Nalin, General Manager, Nokia Philippines. Turn your ideas into reality and start inventing with Nokia. For more information on this new program, log on to http://inventwithnokia.nokia.com.
My POV: I think a lot of creative Filipinos will really benefit from this initiative from Nokia. I also believe that this is really what they need to get ideas from their consumer and create the next killer application/device, which is made by their consumer from the consumer themselves. I do hope the rewards will be great though for them to gain more support from a great audience. I'm excited on this initiative and would like to submit my ideas as well and hopefully have it patented.

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