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Posted by kahitanoito - - 0 comments

Image courtesy of Globe Tatto FB page
The power of social media really jumped into a different heights in our society today. It has been a new venue to be of greater influence to a larger audience even to people you don't even know from all parts of the Globe. Filipinos has also been in forefront in utilizing the power of social media to share their passion and create a mark in the global space. I personally have some of my top influential social media personalities which has been my source for great information about my passion and shares same or even different views from me. They have been very influential as well as I'm a "newbie" blogger and hopefully be able to reach their ranks in the future.

I might not be able to thank them personally but good thing Globe has come up with Tatt Awards to recognize top social media personalities in our country. I think the word "Tatt" Awards is very appropriate title as this award will be given to those who made a "permanent" mark on our own ways. Good job Globe for coming up with this venue to recognize our idols.

I personally want to join this but I think I'm still young to compete with some of my idols. Hopefully in the next few years, I can be more influential to my readers and be nominated by my folks. For now, I think I will be supporting my "Tatt" picks to be awarded this prestigious award. Here are my picks for the different categories:

I chose Ms. Lea Salonga because I really liked her post last January 29, 2011 entitled "Let Us Pray". I agree on her post about a call to action and having a change mindset of not just relying on faith but what we need is action as well. Her post is really though-provoking and a must-read for every Filipino. She is also brave enough when she put up this post as it might be taken against her but good thing it was nicely written.

I also voted for her as the BallBreaker because for me her post is positive challenge that we should be up to, which is in line with my vision as well.


I voted for Divine Lee on this specific category. I'm not really into fashion but looking at the different nominees, I liked her style and take on fashion and also her wit on her site.

Aside from this, I think I'm quite bias on her because she is the girlfriend of a friend back in college, Vic. :)


I heard UP Dharma Down performing since our college days and I like the music style of the band. It's just easy going not too heavy plus the good lyrics on their songs. I also can relate on their songs and the message that I think they would like to relay to their listeners.


I'm an avid follower of Professional Heckler and even my relatives in the US is a great follower of his blog. I never knew Loi and I'm surprised that he is the man behind the blog that I have been following for a long time now. I think he truly deserve this award as he has a good way of making humor out of things and play on words. I must say he is a genius making those stuff on this blog. If I'm sad and bored, his site is the first URL that I visit to lighten up my day! Truly deserving to win this award!


I met Robbie during last year's Top 10 Emerging Influential Bloggers and I feel honored to have met him. A true artist and really creative dork that's why he is very fitting to receive the award. Just seeing his blog makes you think that he really deserve that vote!


This is the most difficult category for me to decide. I met Carlo, Abe, Jayvee and Mark before on previous gatherings and events. Their blogs has been a source of information especially that I also love gadgets and technology. If I can just vote for all of them I would but in the end I voted for Mr. Carlo Ople.

I decided to put my vote for Carlo because I like his personal take on things related to the items reviewed. I also love him extending his influence for other new bloggers like me to be given opportunity to attend events as well.


She is one of the artist that I instantly followed right after I created my twitter account. I'm not really into twitter but I like how she organized here thoughts in less than 160 characters and present her view about it. I think we also have the same viewpoint on things that's why I like following her tweets.


He is one of the people who rocked the Youtube and Facebook world with his entertaining videos. It is very hard to make a video and much more to get people's attention to see your video and share it further and Mikey was able to do it. I think his humor really captured Filipino hearts that's why a lot subscribe on his videos in Youtube. What also sets Mikey apart is that he is just not a one-hit-wonder and you can see he continuously upload videos every now and then...really a testament his dedication on his craft.


I'm an advocate of sustainability and saving our natural resources. I think it's an easy choice for me to choose Save Philippine Seas as my vote for The Advocate. The battle for the environment is very challenging and I commend Anna's team to still use social media to influence others in saving the environment.


It is also hard to pick The One but I vote for Abe or Yugatech. You might be thinking why I chose him while I pick Carlo on the Tech Junkie category. I have this decision because I might like Carlo's take and opinion in terms of technology but Abe on the other hand has this good influential skills and shaped the ecosystem of social media. I personally was influenced by his views especially on technology which makes me decide to place my vote on him for this category.

Now you know my "Tatt" 10 picks for Globe Tatt's award. I might have different vote from you but end of the today I think all the nominees are winners on their own. I think being just nominated on this first ever award is already an honor. Personally, I would like to thank them for giving life and increasing social connectivity of people in our country.

Hope to be able to attend the awarding ceremony and know who will get the awards. Congratulations already to all the nominees!

For those who haven't voted yet, you can go to the Tatt Awards portal at http://tattoo.globe.com.ph/tattawards so you can see the full context of the awards and also vote for your favorite nominees. Your vote counts as it will comprise 10% of the total score for judging. So make that vote count! Feel free to share as well your Tatt 10 picks!

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*Credits: Images of the finalist are taken from Tatt Awards website

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